ZTSIG welcomes Edmund J. Sutcliffe to Industry Advisory Board

I am thrilled to share that Edmund J. Sutcliffe, a highly respected veteran information technologist and trust architect, has accepted our invitation to join the Zero Trust Special Interest Group Industry Advisory Board.

Edmund brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our already esteemed advisory board. Throughout his incredible career, he has been at the forefront of ground breaking information technology advancements. In the early eighties, he played a pivotal role in spearheading the adoption of single sign-on and resource-based access controls across the UK Academic Research Network for the UCNW Bangor and University of York, setting the stage for enhanced security practices.

With his tenure as an engineer at Netscape IPlanet, Sun Microsystems and his leadership of teams across a range of prominent IT projects such as the Oyster Card system and Sky TV set-top box network, Edmund has consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment to innovation and deep cybersecurity expertise.

Edmund's appointment to the ZTSIG Industry Advisory Board, alongside Chairman David Lacey and Prof Bill Buchanan OBE, will augment our ability to evaluate content submissions for the inaugural conference. His deep understanding of trust architecture and extensive industry background make him the perfect fit for this crucial role. We are confident that his insights and guidance will significantly contribute to the growing success of the Zero Trust Special Interest Group.

#ZeroTrustSIG #IndustryAdvisoryBoard #CybersecurityLeadership #Infosec #Cybersecurity #zerotrust #ztsig #WelcomeEdmund


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